Friday, November 23, 2012

Hats. I Love 'Em.

I remember a couple years ago I was searching for a very specific Colorado Rockies hat online. It was difficult to find and I ended up stumbling upon a forum with people in search of specific hats they wanted. What I read strangely discouraged me.

There were a lot of people saying that they thought people these days who wore fitted caps with their flat bills are absolutely stupid. That they weren’t wearing “real” hats. I know it sounds silly, but from an early age I thought the style of flat bill fitted hats looked awesome. Sure, they didn’t do the best job of blocking out the sun but they got the job done and, in my opinion, looked more stylish while doing so.

Hats are hats
Of course there are people who disagree but it seems like those who do are just extremely critical of my opinions. They act like I’m murdering the history of hats. I’m sorry; I didn’t know the sacredness of wearing hats and maintaining a curved bill. It’s just ridiculous what people take such offense too, something as small as how to wear a hat and what it means. Is it illegal to wear a flat bill fitted cap?

This also beckons the point of the acceptability regarding what team is being represented on the hat. If you’ve ever met me, you know I wear hats… a lot. And I sport mostly my beloved Colorado sports team’s colors. But why is it so wrong if one day I want to wear a Kansas City Royals hat? It matches my clothes and I like changing things up.

I bring this up because when I recently went shopping on Black Friday I bought a Chicago Bulls hat. Yeah, everyone can express their disgust in me. You can say, “Ugh, you say you love the Nuggets but wear a Bulls hat? You’re just not a true fan.” But I’ll just let arguably the best NBA player in the league, Kevin Durant, speak about why people wear hats after he sparked controversy while wearing a Chicago Bulls hat just like me: “People don’t wear hats because of the team they like, they wear hats because they look good. And that’s the only hat I had that day and that was the shirt I had on”
The newest hat in my collection

Mr. Durant, you took the words right out of my mouth. I’ve never been super high maintenance on how I dressed, ever. I’ve worn basketball shorts or jeans from Costco almost all my life. But the one thing I’ve always enjoyed doing was matching hats and my clothing. Why can’t I do that without receiving flack from people who say they are “true sports fans” or people who have deemed themselves as the hat wearing etiquette police?

So I’m starting a revolution. People of the world, let’s tolerate all hat wearers! Even the people who know nothing about sports. Yes, it’s a little more embarrassing when they wear hats and simply are oblivious to what they are representing, but if it’s what they like, why not let them rock the hat and look good?  There is not doubt that I have my own preferences of what kind of hats are best, what it requires to wear a certain hat. I always want to at least know the players of the team I’m representing with the logo I wear, but everyone has their own cup of tea.

They're just hats people, let’s have fun wearing them.

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